CAEP Accountability Measures (for CHEA Requirements)
[2021-2022 Academic Year]

CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation) requires all Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) to annually report measures of program outcomes and program impact to the public. The four accountability measures listed below contain summaries of our outcomes for 2021-22 and links to data from which these summaries originate.

Hollins University program completers have historically demonstrated a positive impact on P-12 student learning as measured by improvements in their student test scores using a pretest/posttest during their student teaching experience.  The Virginia Department of Education does not make available to the public a specific set of P-12 scores associated with respective teachers, nor have Virginia school districts adopted value-added measures (VAM).  Instead in Virginia, most teachers prepare SMART goals to measure student progress and teacher impact.  Virginia Code requires that student academic progress be included as an element of evaluating instructional staff performance.  In 2011, guidelines for teacher evaluation were released and they included the use of SMART goals as a means of tying teacher performance and student progress together.  These goals are S-pecific, M-easurable, A-chievable, R-ealistic, and T-imely and spell out the SMART goal acronym.  A Smart goal incorporates all of these criteria and increases the likelihood of tracking progress and better ensuring success. 

As part of our Satisfaction of Completers survey, we ask our program completers to describe the SMART goals they identified for each academic year they’ve taught and report the percentage of students who achieved that goal. The 2021-22 academic year still contained anomalies related to the COVID-19 pandemic, though most teachers were back in the classroom 100% face-to-face. Of the seven completers who responded to our survey at the close of the 2021-22 academic year, five reported information on SMART goals. Four of those five teachers reported a success rate of 80% or better on student mastery of those goals. The fifth completer reported that the percentage of students who met the SMART goals was unknown.


Employer and Completer Surveys

The Hollins University education department is a member of the Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative (VEAC), a collaborative of 36 Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) in Virginia designed to (1) provide a centralized assessment structure for all EPPs by distributing surveys to employers and program completers to gather satisfaction data about initial licensure programs; (2) provide EPPs benchmark data that allows they to determine how they compare to other EPPs who are members of the collaborative; and (3) make sharing data about graduates more efficient for K-12 partners. 

The VEAC distributes a common survey to all graduates of a VEAC partner institution every year for three years after completion of a teacher preparation program. The 2021-22 survey was distributed from late February 2022 through April 2022 on behalf of 29 partner institutions. A total of 874 responses were collected. The VEAC Completer Survey Results Dashboard 2021-22 provides an overview of the data as well as the ability to filter the data in a variety of ways. Additionally, the Hollins University VEAC Completer Survey 2021-22 summarizes the data for those completers who responded to the survey and compares that data to the VEAC overall data.

Similary, The VEAC distributes a common survey to all K-12 employers for each graduate of a VEAC partner institution every year for three years after completion of a teacher preparation program. The 2021-22 survey was distributed from late April 2022 through August 2022 on behalf of 29 partner institutions. Over 1,100 responses were collected. The VEAC Employer Survey Results Dashboard 2021-22 provides an overview of the data as well as the ability to filter the data in a variety of ways. Additionally the Hollins University VEAC Employer Survey 2021-22 summarizes the data for those employers who responded to the survey and compares that data to the VEAC overall data.

Hollins University uses multiple measures to assess our candidate competency upon completion of the program. Our Final Student Teacher Evaluation measures candidates’ performance on each of the ten InTASC Standards and is a primary instrument for assessing candidate competency. The instrument includes a 4-point rating scale (1 = Needs Improvement; 2 = Developing; 3 = Proficient; 4 = Exemplary), and a score of 3 or better on each standard is our benchmark for satisfactory performance. Both the University Supervisor and the Cooperating Teacher complete the evaluation for candidates. In 2021-22, we began analyzing not only candidates’ rating on each standard but also their rating of each of the subskills within the standards. The table below shows the mean scores for each standard as well as each subskill within each standard:

Standard 1
Uses individual and group performance data to make instructional decisions and help students set appropriate learning goals. 3.29
Creates developmentally appropriate instruction based on progress data. 3.29
Obtains multiple measures of student growth to determine when to use appropriate differentiated instructional strategies. 3.36
Demonstrates an understanding of how learners build knowledge and skills and applies that knowledge in developing relevant and challenging instructional strategies. 3.36
  AVERAGE rating in this category 3.29
Standard 2
Uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards. 3.64
Recognizes students with exceptional needs (disabilities as well as giftedness) and knows how to address these needs. 3.43
Modifies instruction to make language comprehensible and instruction relevant, accessible, and challenging. 3.57
Incorporate learners’ experiences, cultures, and community resources into instruction. 3.36
Creates opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in different ways. 3.50
  AVERAGE rating in this category 3.50
Standard 3
Establishes clear expectations, with student input, for classroom rules and procedures early in the school year and enforces them consistently and fairly. 3.29
Maintains learners’ attention through motivational techniques such as connecting to student interests, varying instructional methods, setting high expectations, and personalizing instruction. 3.29
Communicates verbally and nonverbally a climate of trust and teamwork by being fair, caring, respectful, enthusiastic, and an active listener. 3.64
Models respect for diversity through effective communication and integration of diverse cultures and perspectives into the curriculum. 3.64
Maximizes instructional learning time by circulating and checking for understanding with students individually as well as in small groups and whole groups. 3.29
Develops experiences that involve learners in collaborative, project-based, and self-directed learning. 3.50
  AVERAGE rating in this category 3.36
Standard 4 
Has a deep knowledge of student content standards and learning progressions in the discipline(s) s/he teaches and identifies common misconceptions particular to the unit of study. 3.21
Links content with past and future learning experiences, other subject areas, and real-world experiences and applications. 3.50
Uses supplementary resources and technologies effectively to ensure accessibility and relevance for all learners. 3.64
Effectively uses multiple representations and explanations that capture key ideas in the discipline. 3.57
Creates opportunities for students to learn, practice, and master academic language in their content. 3.50
Engages learners to question and to analyze ideas from diverse perspectives to reach higher levels of learning. 3.21
  AVERAGE rating in this category 3.31
Standard 5
Integrates key content and facilitates students’ use of higher level thinking skills in instruction. 3.21
Implements projects that guide learners in analyzing the complexities of an issue or question using perspectives from varied disciplines and cross-disciplinary skills. 3.29
Develops learners’ perspective and communication skills by targeting information to different audiences and purposes. 3.50
Engages learners in generating and evaluating new ideas and novel approaches, seeking inventive solutions to problems, and developing original work. 3.36
Uses digital and interactive technologies efficiently and effectively to achieve specific learning goals. 3.43
  AVERAGE rating in this category 3.23
Standard 6
Understands the differences between formative and summative assessments and uses both forms to support, verify, and document learning. 3.57
Provides students with effective descriptive feedback to guide their progress. 3.50
Provides learners with multiple ways of demonstrating knowledge and skill as part of the assessment process. 3.57
Prepares all learners for the demands of particular assessment formats and makes appropriate accommodations in assessments or testing conditions. 3.43
Knows how to analyze assessment data to understand patterns and gaps in learning, to guide planning and instruction, and to provide meaningful feedback to all learners. 3.43
  Engages learners in analyzing their own achievement and helps them set goals for their own learning. 3.43
  AVERAGE rating in this category 3.57
Standard 7
Works individually and collaboratively to align lesson objectives to the school’s curriculum and student learning needs. 3.50
Plans and paces curricula effectively to achieve diverse students’ learning goals. 3.36
Applies technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge to plan engaging and authentic differentiated instruction. 3.43
Uses formative and summative assessment data to guide and adjust instruction and planning. 3.43
Develops appropriate long- and short-range plans and adapts plans to meet individual students’ needs and to enhance learning. 3.43
Scaffolds learners’ development of new knowledge by connecting it to prior learner knowledge and learner interests. 3.57
  AVERAGE rating in this category 3.43
Standard 8
Varies his/her role in the instructional process (e.g. instructor, facilitator, coach, audience) in relation to content and the needs of the learners. 3.43
Asks questions to stimulate discussion that serves different purposes (e.g. probing for understanding, helping learners articulate their ideas and thinking processes, stimulating curiosity, and helping learners question). 3.43
Builds upon students’ existing knowledge and skills to differentiate instruction for diverse learners. 3.43
Engages students in active learning and in the development of critical, creative, and collaborative thinking in solving real-world problems using interdisciplinary themes. 3.36
Reinforces learning goals consistently throughout lessons through assessments, activities, and teaching methods. 3.50
Uses a variety of instructional strategies and resources to assess and to reach all learners. 3.64
Evaluates the effectiveness, quality, and accuracy of instructional technology resources to enhance student content knowledge and skill development in digital literacy. 3.46
  AVERAGE rating in this category 3.500
Standard 9
Participates in professional growth opportunities aimed at personal, student, and school enhancement. 3.57
Uses data from a variety of sources within and outside the school to analyze and reflect on instructional practice and its impact on student outcomes. 3.21
Creates relevant learning experiences for a diverse range of students using knowledge of cultural, ethnic, gender, and learning differences. 3.36
Advocates, models, and teaches safe, legal, and ethical use of information and technology, including appropriate documentation of sources and respect for others in the use of social media. 3.50
Demonstrates consistent mastery of standard oral and written English in all communication 3.57
  AVERAGE rating in this category 3.57
Standard 10
Collaborates and communicates effectively within the school community to promote students’ well-being and success. 3.43
Builds positive and professional relationships with parents/guardians through frequent and effective communication to set expectations and support learner development and achievement. 3.07
Demonstrates leadership by taking initiative to actively participate in and contribute to the broader school community. 3.21
Works skillfully in a collegial and collaborative manner with administrators, other school personnel, and the community to enhance student learning and well-being. 3.50
  AVERAGE rating in this category 3.14



Hollins also produces a Biennial Report every other year for the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). This report includes, among other information, the number of completers and non-completers in each program area and the pass rates of those individuals on the Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA), Reading for Virginia Educators (RVE), and Praxis II Subject Assessment. The report shows that Hollins students have a 100% pass rate on these examinations.

The Hollins University education department tracks each of program completers and their employment status, and we are pleased to report that graduates of the Hollins University Education program have tremendous success in securing employment, as evidenced by the following information:

  • Hollins University graduated 44 teacher candidates from 2017-2018 through 2021-2022. Of the graduates seeking employment, 41 teacher candidates out of 43 secured employment in their licensure area, a success rate of 95% employment.
  • Hollins University graduated 7 teacher candidates in 2021-22, and all 7 secured employment in their licensure area, a success rate of 100% employment.